Ashley | Member Story | Studio Fit


I was coming up to 40 and needed the motivation to get into shape. I liked the local gym but struggled to find time to go there regularly. I'm a family man with two children, so I'm keen to stay fit and healthy for them and me.

Friendship, lifestyle and improvement of health. Building a better me, enabling me to spend better time with my family.

Why did you join Studio Fit?

I wanted structure in my training rather than just turning up to a gym, and making up what I was going to do. Also train with people my age helps, as they are in the same boat as me.

What Fears did you have before you joined?

Embarrassed about my body and my own personal confidence was not very high. I set myself high targets and was unsure if I would attain them.


  • Eating Much healthier
  • Stopped smoking
  • Improved strength and fitness
  • Understanding of my body
  • Running, I used to struggle and recently ran 15 miles.

“ Friendship, lifestyle and improvement of health. Building a better me, enabling me to spend better time with my family. ”

- Ashley -

What did you struggle with before Studio Fit?

Structure in my training, too much cardio with no confidence in the weights room, with the hard core gym goers.

What results have you experienced since joining?

Fitness and strength up by 40%. My shape is looking more V shaped now which suits. Core strength is so much better and mentally I'm much more stronger and disaplined as well.

What does Studio Fit mean to you?

Friendship, lifestyle and improvement of health. Building a better me, enabling me to spend better time with my family.

What would you say to someone wanting to join Studio fit?

Why wait? Start achieving now and join a real community, full of likeminded men.

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