Why Weighing Yourself Is Ruining Your Weight-loss | Blog | Studio Fit

Jan 20, 2016

Why Weighing Yourself Is Ruining Your Weight-loss


For most women (me included) the scales are the best way to tell if you are losing weight. It is an easy way to see what your weight is doing in a simple physical way. The number is right in front of you and it’s hard to get it wrong.

So what’s the problem with it?

Well, for starters women’s weight fluctuates like crazy! Whether it’s water weight, that time of the month of you simple need to go to the bathroom your weight can change throughout the day. So that 2lbs you think you’ve gained could just be water weight!

Secondly the scales don’t take muscle mass into consideration. It is very common (especially in women who are a little slimmer and only looking to lose a small amount of weight) to not see a difference on the scales but to lose fat and build lean muscle. As a result they will look slimmer, have more muscle tone and fit into smaller clothes but they might still weight the same.

Another reason why the scales are a bad idea is because of how you might react to the number.

Often if you see that the number has gone down you’ll think ‘hey I’ve lost 4 lbs! I definitely deserve that piece of cake, bowl of ice cream’ etc.. it can often encourage you to eat unhealthily when really you haven’t lost weight you’re just dehydrated.

On the other hand you might see that number go up or stay the same, even after weeks of training and eating well so you think ‘I don’t know why I bothered- I might as well eat that piece of cake because whatever I’m doing clearly isn’t working’.

So how to track your progress instead?

Well measurements are a great start; at Studio Fit we encourage all our Transformation clients to take body measurements to more effectively chart progress. We also recommend taking ‘before’ photos to see how your body looks when you started your fitness journey and then compare it with photos every month or 2 to see how you look now n.b. always take photos at the same time of day, before a meal.

Another great way to track progress is to find an item of clothing that no longer fits or is rather tight on you. As with the photos, compare each month and you’ll start to notice it fitting better and better.

It is also great to focus on your fitness too. This is a very easy way to see if you’re pushing yourself during exercise and if you’re making any progress.

We also give our transformation clients a fitness test when they start to compare with at the end of the Transformation and they are ALWAYS ten times fitter than before.

"We also give our transformation clients a fitness test when they start to compare with at the end of the Transformation and they are ALWAYS ten times fitter than before."

So, I suggest throwing away the scales or saving them for weighing your luggage. There are plenty of great ways to track progress without them!

Sound good?


Then welcome to Studio Fit, its a pleasure to meet you :-)